I'm in such a good mood today!

I’m glad you’re happy! Good moods are contagious. There have been times when I was on the road that people gave me 5’s, 10’s, and 20’s just out of the goodness of their hearts. The money was a big help, too. I’m not really good at panhandling for beer, though I have come across guys who had some kind of wicked charm at that, but when I am down and out people will help me.

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Not only the feel good part, that’s more hypomania, mania is more irritability, spending sprees, gambling, excessive energy, impulsivity…

is it were you lose control ?

Yes, you can lose control. It can bring psychosis also.

how many psychotic episodes did you have and how long did they last, did you say before you were in psychosis for a year?

I had several little episodes, don’t know how many, where I didn’t completely lose touch with reality, only had one big episode where I completely lost touch with reality, lasted three years give or take.

My pdoc refuses to give me ads too, especially with my history of two psychotic breaks while on Wellbutrin

Lithium is a better bet for us, fortunately I’m doing great without it!

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jaysus 3 years, fook me, i shat me pants in 4 weeks of psychosis although i had 4or5 episodes in a 10 year span .its only in the last 6 years i feel weller than well…believe me time heals, things will get better give it time…from all your writing here i would of never a guessed you had psychosis

Yeah I pass as a normie :sunglasses:

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Good to hear that you are in a good mood today @Minnii !!! :smile:

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