Im hiding in the bathrom

I feel like someone is after me. Theyre making me have images of killing myself over and over and thinking do it like a chant in my head

You sound like you need urgent medical attention. Can you call someone?

Nobody is after you.

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I dont know who to call

Someone on your medical team.

741741 is the crisis text line


Its Sunday i can call them tomorrow

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How do you cope with thought insertion

You’ll have to try your best to just ride it out until tomorrow. :frowning:

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Hope you can get some help soon @Moon.

I know that feeling all too well. Hopefully, it’ll pass quickly for you

This isnt getting better

Those are intrusive images and thoughts, try to let them pass. It isn’t anyone.

I had a fight with my girlfriend and im having a breakdown

it may be the stress of that fight situation that brought on your intrusive images. so just try to breathe, distract yourself with some simple activity until it mellows out. It may seem like it wont go away but it will eventually.

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