I'm having PTSD like symptoms (Trigger Warning)

I feel overwhelmed and helpless

It’s too much :pensive:

I’ve suspected that I might have PTSD from some of my scarier delusions while in psychosis, so I get where you are coming from.

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When I got up this morning my head was reliving horrible stuff from years ago. I warned hubby and he said I’ve been getting these bouts of reliving moments, flashbacks since I was a teenager.
It happens often especially my mum triggers it.
It’s a knot in my stomach, feel like I could burst.
I used to OD when I felt like this but now I hold it together bit better but it’s still overwhelming.

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I forgot the trigger warning can you edit please

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Fifteen characters

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Back when I was psychotic, I thought that I had been poisoned and had a store clerk call an ambulance. I wouldn’t let the ambulance strap me down or give me an IV because I was afraid of them poisoning me. When I arrived at the hospital there was some ununiformed guy waiting for me with some police officers. I thought they were all in on it and were going to take me to the morgue and kill me. I got out of the stretcher and stood on shaky legs and told them that I had changed my mind. Long story short, they let me back out of it and drove me to a local Hardees where I called my parents. I also thought my parents poisoned me but I had no one else to call. I still feel very uneasy when I think about that night.

For a long time I believed I had escaped death that night, even though in reality they were just taking me to a hospital. Just one of many incidents that I think may have given me PTSD.

I almost always have nightmares anymore. I can’t have a decent good dream without it turning negative.

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I’m sorry you went through that it sounds really scary :pensive:
I have nightmares too its difficult and they wake you up
My mental problems started as a teenager and i feel like theyve got worse. Im in my forties now and its still difficult but at least i have a roof over my head and food on the table. I should be grateful that i have something to live for. I love my hubby to bits even though things we’re difficult at times. He loves me too so I do have a lot to be grateful for.
Just wish I wasn’t traumatised it is hard to cope with sometimes
Thanks for chatting about it.

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Oh I just want to say that I got taken in by police and taken to psych hospital it was bad I was accusing the doctor and nurses of acting. I thought i had a chip in my arm implanted there. All i was worried about was having a cigarette the main thing. Voices none stop rambling in my ear. It was horrendous experience. Damn wish i’d never had to start on anti psychotics but I think now that they help.

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Yes. I have a lot to be grateful for these days as well. We can’t forget about these things :slight_smile: .

I thought at one time that I had a chip implanted in my head as well.

Sorry you are having a particularly bad morning today. I hope it gets better :slight_smile: . I really should try to get some sleep now. It’s 4:30 am here. Goodnight @anon67605327

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Yes get some sleep you need it hun. Thanks for being there for me. I feel a lot better now! Hugs

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