It’s definitely benzo withdrawal, as I was fine the last few days. I feel completely AMPED UP. It only happens in the evenings.
It’s draining, but I feel so good. Too good though. Toooo good.
It’s definitely benzo withdrawal, as I was fine the last few days. I feel completely AMPED UP. It only happens in the evenings.
It’s draining, but I feel so good. Too good though. Toooo good.
When I even go half a day without taking my klonopin I’m an emotional and nervous wreck. Sometimes I can go a day without it but two and I’m bawling my eyes out and freaking out over simple things.
Yeah, it took me ages to come off it, but I’m having the opposite problem. Waves of mania. My personality changes, my decision making goes out the window, I’m completely amped up.
At least I haven’t done anything embarrassing yet.
I’ve been feeling AMPED UP myself lately. That’s why I do all those things. And laugh histerically. And am so positive lately.
Life is going good, I can’t complain. Screw benzos.
When I came off Klonopin I just felt tense. I found out the benzos were stronger than I thought.
Man I could do with some amped up Swap you for a bit of migraine?
No klonopin too much reality!
Well what goes up must come down I guess. Now I feel very depressed. I’m waiting for abilify to kick in. I hope these mood swings aren’t permanent.
@everhopeful wrote…
“At least I haven’t done anything embarrassing yet”
We’d all like to see the pic of you furiously vacuuming the house in women’s underwear when you were amped up!
@patrick you’re hilarious lol
This is why they don’t like to prescribe this med so quickly because it’s just so hard to come off. I was given it as and when needed basis.
We’d all like to see the pic of you furiously vacuuming the house in women’s underwear when you were amped up!
The following is a joke:
Begin joke :
I KNEW there was a hidden camera in my TV
End joke.
That’s funny. I just googled ‘everhopeful’ and this pic came up on my screen. Are you sure you didn’t do anything embarrassing while amped up yesterday??
Yes, that’s a selfie of me drying my laundry. Just thinking of the planet, saving electricity.
I thought you were catching butterflies!
No, I don’t have very many clothes, they’re all in the bag.
hah… I hope this passed for you… but it’s hilarious at the same time and I can totally relate…
Just a thought … you aren’t on any form of SSRI or AP that might have dopaminergic activity, however minor, are you?
Just abilify. This is just benzo withdrawal.