I'm doing the best I can

Is that enough? 1515

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Yes that’s all that you can do.

Don’t hold yourself to any expectations apart from what you want from life!

Our time is too short to seek gratitude from others

Live life for you and those around you

Try and be happy

Not always. Sometimes just trying isn’t enough, sometimes in life you’ve got to really do certain things and there’s no way out of them.

I’m sorry if I was a little short with you in the other thread. It’s just that people are flagging your posts as spam because of your repetitiveness on your subjects and I realize that you are just asking for help so I disagreed with them, but I can see their point, when you post the same thing over and over.

I am happy that you that you are doing the best that you can and are not giving up.

Right @77nick77 I wrote I’m doing the best I can.

That’s good. In my life sometimes I have to accomplish something and it has to be done. I can’t just say “I’ll try” and hope that’s good enough. I could give numerous examples. Sure, some things are set up so if you don’t succeed you can always say , “Well, I tried”. Or if you you are attempting something new on certain things, you can say “I’ll try”. But with other things that’s not an option. It’s good you are doing your best but for me, just saying “I’m trying” is not enough. I’m sure you understand. Some people use “I’m doing the best I can” as an excuse.

In my scenario, I’m doing everything I can to stop something bad from happening. Is that an excuse? But yes I understand. Also is confusion an excuse?

Geez, I was really hoping that this thread meant you were doing the best you can to fight your delusions. Not that you were doing the best you can to stop your imagined scenario. You are wasting your time and efforts trying to stop something that is not real.


Hey, you asked. I gave you my answer.

Remember the famous words of Yoda “Do, or do not…there is no try”. This reminds me of all the little kids who get “participation trophies” nowadays, when they really should get trophies for “second loser”. Ah, showing my age now…

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