I'm disappointed I'm a girl

I wish I could just accept the way I am but I haven’t been able to yet. Too many people wanted a boy.

Why? Being a girl or a boy doesn’t change anything and I read that girls with SZ have less serious symptoms. I wish if I was a girl.

I like the fact that I am the one who is able to nurture the baby as a female for 9 months but I don’t even want a child.


so it doesn’t matter

Well I think the only thing that holds you back is prejudice.

I remember this one woman saying that the key to existence for her was learning to like herself no matter what.


Sex education - I didn’t want it. I wanted to be loved like a baby. Because I am just a big baby. Of course, society does not approve of big babies so I am basically a big, rejected baby.

I dont get disappointed much, but I cry for short bursts from time to time.

It helps me heal.

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You could always do what I did and just stop being a girl.

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Do you mean in personality?

No I just realized I never actually felt like a girl so I stopped pretending.

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I call that your personality.

Call it what you will. Folks call me Mr. Star in every day life.

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don’t attack. 15151

I was a girl back when we were only expected to be a secretary or a teacher or a nurse.
But I looked at the role models like Sally Ride and we can be an astronaut or anything.

I think my parent wanted a girly girl but that was not what I wanted. Who cares they don’t live your life, YOU do. They thought I was going to be a professional psych patient. I said belive in me! they didn’t so what? I showed them.

Girls can be anything. I haven’t worn a dress for years and my I never will.
Be All that you can be. Be you Man OR Woman. Don’t let anything, even a life changing illness define you.


what does this mean?

I know you’re being positive but mental illness can really defines you and change your personality forever, its a fact.

Well I was hospitalized and they thought I would never recover.
I would never be a professional like a doctor or lawyer, so what!

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who told you you cant be whatever you want to be ?

Yes Aziz my life was shattered and it took many years to recover. I had many relapses also.
But I am stubborn and never give up, even now.
I had to rebuild my life every time and start from scratch, new job, after I blew then previous one.
lose another job and just omit it from your resume. Use a functional resume so they don’t notice the missing years…

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With me, I turned out neither masculine nor feminine. I guess that makes me neuter.