I must have inadvertently fallen ill with a fresh bout of megalomania because I woke up this morning determined to found my own University.
Naturally, I first thought of naming it after myself, and while the Sekso Empirico University has a certain ring to it, I finally chose the more auspicious name of University of Life.
The choice of name carries with it many potential benefits. Not least the very real prospect of raking in the unpaid fees from all those who have claimed to have already graduated from the prestigious institution, and who proudly sport the scars, bruises and, in the case of very advanced students, the amputated limbs to prove it.
Henceforth, if my proposal is successful, claiming the University of Life as your Alma Mater should come at a price.
Is this project realistic? Any suggestions for the choice of location and curriculum are particularly welcome. Expect the brochure soon.
I know there already exists Life University in Georgia. They teach chiropractic. You could always go ahead and create a website, but if you’ll want students accreditation is important.
Regarding the courses, is there a field you have exceptional expertise in?
My clubhouse is starting its own sort of curriculum under the guise of ‘Recovery college’
its 5 short courses over the year. peer 2 peer, wellness recovery action plan (wrap) and a few more,
I was actually really bummed out bc we didnt get our certificate of achievement this year, i feel like i do a lot for the clubhouse and felt a bit under appreciated. they printed me out a certificate for lamination as a joke but its still bugging me.
I helped with the radio show and the newsletter, i demand to be recognised for my talents lol (i would like to be though)
I was musing about university and a few thoughts i had would be a university that makes you write a paper in one sitting instead of giving it to you as homework, a university that certifies you as what you are, so instead of giving you a generic degree you get basically a barrage of insults. back to the paper writing, a university that doesn’t want any citations in the term paper, so instead of every paper being a social clusterfuk you instead get a highly individual, introspective, and completely original work. i have other suggestions but too lazy right now to type it out
This is great, citations will not be allowed, instead students will be encouraged to quote Wikipedia. And no statistics in social sciences, or natural sciences for that matter. This is starting to take shape.
Who will teach at your university? You’d have to pay them. Where will the money come from for the college while it’s being put together? Will you teach? What are you an expert at? Will you get it licensed and accredited? Lots of things to plan out here. I look forward to hearing your grand plan
I created my own soccer team by having numerous children. I will send them to your university. Except I expect free tuition because they probably won’t do that well. @NotSeksoEmpirico
This idea is delusional. Do you have the resources to fund this? You can make a website and if you get students to sign up and do not feel they learned anything. They will sue you.
Not Doing Well is the new Doing Great. They’ll be most welcome. My only concern though is that soccer can get quite intellectual and elitist at times but we’ll find a way around it.
It’s the soccer ball. They are probably all brain damaged from it. If it will be like hogwarts, I’ll send the invisible cloaks with them. It was terrible trying to sew those cloaks, so they better use them.