I'm considering to stop writing in this forum

It does seem that this forum believes “schizophrenia” is actually a “mental disorder” instead of just a label psychiatrists give to people who share certain charateristics (for example hallucinations, paranoia, delusions etc.). It does give me a vibe of a belief in a materialistic, physical, “objective” Universe that is supposed to be the same for everyone, which is not what I believe in. It also seems to be politically correct to a certain extent. And I saw that a user got suspended but I have read his activity and he didn’t seem like a bad person at all. Maybe I’m over-reacting since I tend to get emotional and impulsive sometimes. I’ll think about it right now. Perhaps I’ll change my mind tomorrow. Maybe.


I have discovered that this is just a forum of a blog called “schizophrenia. com” and I’ve took a quick look at the titles and it does seem very pro-pharma. Hmm… I’ll think about it.

That’s because it is. All the fighting I did to convince people otherwise failed, and I gave up trying to validate that my experiences were something special


Nevermind. This is all pointless.

Certain topics are triggering for certain members of the forum such as religion.

That is why.

Yes this forum is very much pro medication

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be on this forum if you’re off medication

Hope you stay but only if you want to :slight_smile:

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I don’t think it is. Everyone’s mind works differently. It’s true hallucinations, paranoia etc. do exist and they cause suffering to many people (even to me in the past though in the last months I’ve been feeling better). But it’s not a disease that causes these symptoms. It’s these characteristics of the human mind (hallucinations etc.) that cause psychiatrists to give that diagnosis. It’s different in my view. And everyone lives those things differently. I think it’s too generic to call it a “disease” and assume it’s the same for everyone. Everyone will experience these things differently. Some people can manage to live well, some people can’t.

I have stopped taking it in November 2020. Now I feel better.

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Maybe I over-reacted. Sorry. I tend to be like this sometimes. Even on other websites and in real life. I’m not sure why. It happens quite often. I need to learn how to control stuff like this.

Now that I have re-read my original post, it doesn’t make sense. Why would I stop writing in a forum because of a belief in a physical, objective Universe that is the same for everyone? I’m aware my view of the Multiverse is something very unusual, so I shouldn’t expect people to believe in that as well. Sorry. I really need to learn how to control stuff like this since it’s been happening for years.


Schizophrenia diagnosis helps care workers and service users to be on the same page when discussing their personal issues

My problem with that is that everyones lives those things (hallucinations, paranoia etc.) differently and shouldn’t be generalized IMHO. Some people are more mentally resilient by nature and can live normally even with those things, while some people are mentally “weaker” (not meant as an insult!) and can’t do anything even with the slightest symptom. So I don’t think “schizophrenia” is useful as a categorization. It’s true there are specific traits in common, but it ends there. Everyone lives those experiences differently and some people are more bothered/affected by others. That’s why I think when people who get that diagnosis are helped, they should be helped as individuals, and what works for someone, might not work for someone else. Everyone is different in general.

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My therapist diagnosed me with SZA because all the boxes checked.
Psychosis check
Mania check
Depression check

Well meds help most szics and you cant say this person is weaker mentally than the other, this is false. I was the best in my family, super high grades and got a university degree etc, but now I am the worst functionnally in my family, I stay in bed most of my time. As the disease progressed my functioning lvl decreased so yes its a disease and not bcz I have “weak” mind.

The same meds for everyone, antipsychotics.

Eh I know “weak” isn’t the right word and I apologize for that. It wasn’t mean as an insult and I didn’t know which word to use. I meant to say some people are more affected by others by the same things (not necessarily symptoms of this… I mean everything in life in general). That is not to say they are “worse”. Just more sensitive. It goes for everything in life, and that includes symptoms of this stuff.


I get your point but I dont think its related to sz.

How is it not a disorder? A mental disorder is characterized by abnormal behavior, thoughts, mood, that cause clinical distress or impairment.

Seems to fit the definition to a T.

I would leave the definitions to the professionals tbh. You know, the people that spend their lives studying this.

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I don’t think it’s a good thing to “help” in the same way someone who doesn’t feel troubled as much as another person, and the other person who feels much more discomfort by those things. I think it’s useless to pretend it’s the same thing. Everyone lives those things differently. What works for me might not work for you and viceversa. If people want to “help”, it should be more individual rather than being the same for everyone. Because clearly it’s not the same.

The problem is that “abnormal” is a subjective opinion of the psychiatrist. And just because someone spend their lives studying something, doesn’t make it true. Someone can spend their lives studying Flat Earth and believing it. Doesn’t make it more true just because you spent your life studying it.

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But it’s not just one person. This is a consensus, this is science. You’re saying science isn’t true, which is what flat earthers do…

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