Im, bored whats new guys?

its 10pm here and im staring at a heinekin wondering if i should drink a few more. I tend to drink when Im bored so i guess i tend to drink alot. Debating on waking up in 4 hrs to trade the stock market. been doing pretty well shorting it. made some money so far. then I got work at 10pm tomorrow night til 3 am

I got a little drunk on St. Patty’s Day, which was yesterday here. Now my fiancée’s in bed and I’m surfing my smartphone.

its so weird all the bars were closed here. everything is closed

im getting ready to propose to my chick she says i gotta quit smoking cigarettes first and cut down on how frequently i drink smh

Yea my sister lives in San Francisco and she says it’s eerie how much of a ghost town it is. Everyone is supposed to stay 6 feet away from each other on the sidewalk. Everything’s gone from the grocery store here.

what city do you live in? and howd you propose. i was thinking of doing it on the beach with a drone filming it

Lol I proposed multiple times she said no every time (we stayed together) and eventually she proposed to me haha. Your way sounds good. Dont make the drone obvious though. I live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada.

I’m gonna go get another beer from the store. Ttyl

oh sweet I graduated from UNR. Laters

I went to UCSB for about a year, then became “schizophrenic”

hey i did that in med school. fun fun

Are you delusional? Are you in remission? I looked at your selfie pic and you look way too together to be symptomatic lol

Thank man you too. Ive been in remission for about three years

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I still hear and see ■■■■ everyday but i make the most of it and have learned to use it as a way to entertain myslef

My main symptom is delusions, but I guess I hear ■■■■, too. At least I dont see people coming to kill me or something.

I was getting chased by keebler elfs once

Lmao. I once thought I was The Master Chief from Halo. Also, I thought I was a vampire.

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While I was hooking up with my ex (I thought I wasa vampire). I’m excited for you to propose to your gf.

awe cortana is so hott! haha thanks man. shes a social worker, never was actually my social worker, but petty dope none the less

Yea dude built-in therapist haha. Dont abuse that though