I'm being ignorant if I don't humble myself

The human mind cannot comprehend where space ends because there is always the question “What’s on the other side of the end.” So it is pure malarkey to say there isn’t a greater mind than ours.


I guess that’s the million dollar question. What’s space expanding into? I don’t think anyone knows. It’s all speculation based on math. We can’t observe it really.

I tend to take a super contrarian point of view and say Kurt Godel was right about the universe rotating (godel universe) so causal loops exist. I never really figured it out. I had a dream recently about it.

I think Einstein was right about most things – perhaps everything. I think people under-estimate him including other scientists who work on GR.

So because I’m contrarian and opposite of most people (Call me mr. opposite lol), I think inflation is a scam and really it’s just either rotating; aliens (advanced level 5+ civ) can make it rotate or use tipler cylinders; or conformal spaces (which I have no clue about). I’m obsessed with simulation theory and CCC (conformal cyclic cosmology). I wonder how it all fits and works together. Sort of like a UFT (unified field theory).

If inflation is true, we can’t really be living in an infinite universe because what is creating the infinite space in a simulation. It’s also more ‘Christian’ ie the Godel rotating universe in my opinion.

That or it’s a Torus like thing, but I’m starting to second guess myself. I really have no clue anymore. (This is my delusional thinking).

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The question of infinite space is perplexing and defies logic.

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I don’t think the human mind was designed to be able to comprehend Infinity. The best we can hope for, is to simply be at peace with it

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