I'm back :)

Hey guys, I’m back. I’ve been away for a while because my life got super busy with work. I got hired as a manager at a fast food restaurant and I’ve finally settled into to management life. I also turned 21 on Tuesday so I figured it would good to get back on the forum and get back to communicating with you guys


hi, happy birthday.

Thank you :slight_smile: it was a good one

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Nice happy birthday, I recently returned too. I remember you. I thought you were a tranny because of your screen name…that was back when I was attracted to transsexuals…I swear I thought I was bi-sexual for a couple months, but now I’m 100% hetero again it’s weird :scratcheshead:

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Welcome back and congratulations for your position. Happy Birthday.
But too bad you didn’t come back here two weeks ago.
@SzAdmin was giving away free kitchen appliances for anyone who could prove that schizophrenics are great at brewing the perfect cup of coffee despite numerous studies by psychiatrists that say it’s impossible.


Haha everyone thought I was a guy or trans because of my name but it’s just a South Park reference :blush: I’m glad to be back, I remember you too!


Hahaha oh my god I can’t believe I missed that! I make a really good vanilla blueberry coffee :blush: I missed you guys a bunc, I’m happy my life has calmed down enough that I could come back :heart:


Happy Birthday and congrats on your job! :tada:

71 to 21, 71 to 21, Congratulations. over and out.


@turningthepage that’s guts for sharing bro. I think i was curious at around 20 too

Heeey! Happy birthday, welcome back and congrats on the job :smile:

You’re 21 and a restaurant manager. I’m 23 and I really like to collect memes.

Good to have you back girl

Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys! I’m really happy to be back, I missed you guys while I was away!

Congratulations and happy birthday :crown:

Thank you!!! :slight_smile:

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