I'm an alien ffs

I’m so different to everyone I don’t even feel like a human I feel like some alien or being from another universe. One day I’m going to be normal even if I got to die trying.


What is ffs @anon20318121…!!!

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Mate. It’s doable.

Most of the english language is redundant. It serves a social function and not one about meaning.

Honestly. Most interaction is about listening. You respond to social cues and you move from there. People fall into certain behaviors and you move from there. Being interested is great! You’ll learn quicker but it’s all something that is worth learning!

Don’t try to conquer Rome in a Day! It takes time and getting a some practice is good. You do things that challenge you and get out there. I’m a member of a cricket club and half the punters are crazier than me…you’d be surprised!

It’s about getting out there and doing something you like!


Quoting Aramaki from the movie ghost in the Shell: “When we see our uniqueness as a virtue, then we find peace.”

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For ■■■■’s) sake

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What are u doing @anon51414962…??? Already taken breakfast…!!! Thanks…!!!


Yeah @far_cry0 I already ate breakfast. It’s time for another coffee now. It’s 11am here. Be happy :slight_smile: and take care


Thanks Julian…!!! I just took shower …!!! After 15 days…!!


Damn u must stink dude


I shower every single night I don’t miss one


Do u brush your teeth how many time a day @far_cry0

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I dont put on deodrnt …i smell like fresh amonia…!!! Hahaha!!!

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I brush once every morning…!!! Do u brush twice…!!!

Yes once in morning and once in night time.

Don’t forget


What is ur hight and weight @anon20318121…!!!

I weigh 70 kg and am 6.2 feet

What about u

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Havent u gain weight in zyprexa…!!! Are u under weight…!!! I am 5’6 and weight is 75 kg…!!!

U lier…!!!

Nope I havnt really gained weight on zyprexa.

you are the way you are because thats the way you were supposed to be, nothing wrong with that, it is what it is, you need to accept it, accept the way you are in order to truly be at one with yourself, you may be different but we are all different, we have all got different colours and shades to our personalities,

some people even say it is the differences that make us unique as individuals, i believe in conformity and being at one with the whole, like a collective, depending on who you are and what you think its a different perspective, you can go deep or stay in the shallows, i like to go deep, its a choice thing,

Just try and be yourself and take your meds, dont let the sz get in the way of having a life, take care.

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My uncle said he believes I’m an alien in the last summer. Hahahahaha!
Seriously, I feel like I was teleported form old planet earth to this shitty one. This planet is not it.
This version of planet earth have people saying “we are all different” every second day. The old planet had people saying “we have so much in common”. Go Figure!

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