I'm afraid I will have to live in a psych ward because of this illness

I believe I will have to live in a mental hospital until I get better because I really believe I have a camera implanted in me, and I believe that the majority of the country are watching me. I think thats the only thing that is going to help me.

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You’re probably not going to get better until something changes. Our reassurances to you that it’s just a delusion on this forum to you don’t seem to be making a dent. Maybe Clozapine and some therapy? You just keep coming back to the same delusion so obviously you need something to change in order to break out of your delusion. I don’t know if that’s a new AP or therapy, or maybe a combination of the two, but something has to change.


Do you know how effective clozapine is?

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It’s suppose to be the AP you use when others are ineffective. It’s suppose to be the most powerful AP. It’s the drug of last resort when nothing else works.


Sorry you are going through this @anon88690461.:heart:
I don’t know if living in a psych ward is the best plan. You have a family and maybe living in your own place would be better. On your own you have more freedom and choices to choose from. Maybe volunteer or go to church and make more friends. Take up a hobby to distract your mind.


I thought the same thing; that there is a chip from a computer or/and a camera implanted in me.

Have you seen “A Beautiful Mind”?

I fight the delusion every day.
I’m on Clozapine for my symptoms.

Keep fighting!

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I think its time for me to try it.


That’s a good idea. Thanks @see121 .

I had to go to a mental ward for two months before I stabilized…no longer than that probably you will have to stay unless you ask to stay there I don’t think they can keep you once you stabilize…go you won’t be sorry…I think you are very ill.


Did you believe the majority of the country was watching you?

Thankyou @jukebox . I think I will want to stay there until I am stabilized.

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I spent 8 months in the hospital and I hated every second of it. Some things I experienced in there sucked less than other experiences.

If you go into a long term hospital don’t expect it to be like a vacation or don’t think it will be easy. I had a miserable time in there and my fellow patients looked like they were miserable as me—or worse.

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Yea, I’ve been in a mental hospital before and it wasn’t a walk in the park. I just need to get help because my delusions are unbearable.

Maybe reduce stress to minimum lvl in your current environment? I know that stress lvl is minimum in mental hospital, they clean and cook for you etc

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Its hard for me nowadays to tell when someone is being sarcastic.

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I mean stress is known to worsen sz, my psychiatrist told me. I used to say try Clozapine for a long time but you still didnt try it for some reason. Does your pdr knows about your symptoms? Surely there is a reason why he won’t try Clozapine if he knows that you’re suffering from your symptoms.

Lol ok. Well she offered it to me but I was afraid of the side effects. I guess I have no other choice.

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You can try amisulpride first it’s about as effective as clozapine on average

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Clozaril aka clozapine is the ONLY med that worked for me. I been free of psychosis ever since.

Like many said it’s a last resort treatment. I tried several meds with no luck

The only thing that sucks is the blood draws. For the first 6 months you need to do a weekly blood test. After 6 months to a year it must be done bi-weekly. and after a year, to as long as you stay on the medication you will need to have it done once a month. it is annoying but I’m grateful something finally worked for me


Ok is that abilify?