I'm a poor judge of myself

And, I’m a poor judge of others. I don’t know people very well. I’m just a dog dodger. Never had time for people.

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You need more joy in your life. You should join a Club that interests you.

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Sometimes it’s eye-opening (or eye-closing) to look at the suggested topics under your post.

Sounds kinda like you need Vitameatavegemin.

Me, too as I see it.

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I do not have the capacity for a lot of joy.

may God bless you @PinCushion


Said every advice-giver ever.

Just saying.

I tried joining some clubs that didn’t interest me. The results were … less than auspicious.

@shutterbug Ahaha! If you joined a club that didn’t interest you and you found that you were, in fact, not interested, wouldn’t that be auspicious in a weird “double-negative = positive” sort of way?

More like a positive feedback loop, which, oddly, turns out to be anything but positive.

@shutterbug The Feedback Club is calling you… :smile:

You’re such a brat!

Sometimes I start to understand that my life might not be as blameless as I thought. There are things in my life I need to process. Right now I am in a situation where I am absolutely convinced I am in the right, but no one seems to agree with me.