I'm a living, breathing human being; a little respect, please?

Never in the history of human kind has somene been so disrespected. It’s not right.

If you are talking about us spying on you again…I can guarantee you that I am not. I am watching the Russia/Ukraine news mostly…and checking the forum on occasion.


I don’t believe you.

I’m sorry to hear that, but it’s the truth. There are much more important things going on in the world than what you are doing. I’m really not interested, even if I had the capability to spy on you, which I don’t.


You have to be pretty important for someone to be out to get you.

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you are delusional…please trust us…nobody is spying on you…get help.


Not sure why I’m supposed to care? I’ve got more interesting things in my day than you. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

[ goes back to watching Russian dashcam videos of crashes ]


I don’t watch you either. I had a moment on here like you’re having. Look up “from a dark place” on the thread search. Get help.


I have felt an injustice by the supreme being herself. It was painful. I blacked it out and now I can’t remember what it was but it must have been something made up. Talking about injustices?! To experience something that really should never happen to anyone. I’m crazy anyway.

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Never in the history of human kind has someone been so disrespected. It’s not right.

Who is disrespected?

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I am. People are watching and listening to me every day through camera(s) and mic(s).

Okay. Is there anybody you truly love in your life . Anybody? You don’t have to contact them in reality.
Find a picture of that person. And really love them. If any negative voices or things intrude - do not get scared or angry - just pray them away. Any belief system works as long as you really think it is real.

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Not only am I not following you, I have no idea how to follow you. I don’t know who you are. I don’t know where you live. I don’t know how to do IT stuff to locate you via a virus or any other way. I’m not following you. But I understand how you feel because I get those feelings about others all the time too

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I’m a zombie. I only follow tasty humans offline.


You should hang out with @Om_Sadasiva . He’s just as irrational and just as unwilling to listen to reason.


How about 6 million jews?

For one second I was aghast, then i realized what you were saying @77nick77 .

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Fine. I’m not being spied on. The next time someone tells me that they were offended by something I did in private, I’ll do my best to ignore them and not respond.

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I think that you are likely misinterpreting something here. None of us are are watching something you did in private. This all seems like a symptoms of sz. Making false connections.


I meant, the next time a voice tells me that.