Im a ghost

i feel like a ghost living in a HD movie :((((

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You’re not a ghost. You’re very much alive. And life can feel like a movie but it’s extremely real. There’s nothing more real than life.

If you were a ghost would you be running around haunting people? :smile:

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You seem like a pretty friendly ghost to me… :wink:

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you know it is called i think ■■■■■■ derealization and depersonalization i know im Ayrin and alive and life is real but it is so ■■■■■■ sucks :@ :weary:

Sorry you feel like this. You’re on medication right?

im just trapped in this pretty ghost

i think sz in better than this dpdr . no im not med doesnt seem to work cause a pill did this ■■■■ to me

I had dpdr also, it passed along with the rest of my delusions. I’m sorry a med caused this to you, but I’m not sure it’s something that passes on its own, you should talk to a pdoc about that.

u know i saw too many pdocs and drs but u know they said it is anxiety but i never ever had anxiety mini it hurts so much to wake up from a surgery to this ■■■■ i did nothing wrong just had a simple surgery i do not know wht they had done to me

I thought about that, maybe the stress from having surgery affected you.

i think antibiotics . after every iv shot i became so dizzy and about to pass out they said there is nothing to do with the iv but that antibiotics made jelly like even couldnt talk after

I remember you saying it. I don’t know what to tell you, hope you can come up with a solution to this problem.

thank u Mini just please pray for me if u belive in :(( im just in a battle everyday

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do u think i was delusional? before surgery i thought i will die from apandisit in the day of our religious ceremony :)))))) i always had health anxiety though ;/

I don’t know what’s causing you to feel unreal but when that happens to me it’s usually a fear response to something. Like a trauma response…

That’s just a fear, not a delusion. I don’t think you’re sz, but only a doctor can confirm that.

i did a test from my pdoc included 300 questions they call it reality test i think :confused: he said your ok just making up that u have dpdr as u read it on net, but i told him im in a movie :)))

I think you shoud trust your pdoc. Sz is a very serious illness, if you don’t have it you’re very lucky and shouldn’t worry about it. Dpdr is serious and can be taken care of with medication, but you have to be willing to take it.

I suffered a version of Truman Show Syndrome…look it up on Google…

I felt I was a spectacle in a movie and everyone around me were actors. Is it possible you are experiencing a version of this?

i just looked it up but u know Patrick i belive im not in a movie but the way my eyes see makes it movie like . my eyes are week but now i see too sharp and HD but 2d it’s wierd colors are too vivid bright

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