I'm a dreamer

I dream at night.

This is what I live for

A place where anything is possible, and you never know what might happen

Real life does not compare to dreaming


Dreaming is my favorite part of the day when I have a nice dream.

Nightmares can upset me though.


Dreamt i was with the wife last night lol. Was well happy - then i woke up :crazy_face:
Had a “row” with my dead mother as well - said i had 3 hours to get out the house.

Swear its the Quetiapine - i have some right strange ones.


When I first went on Quetiapine I could see with my eyes closed.

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I had some weird dreams last night. Dreams can be fun. Have you ever tried lucid dreaming?

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Most of my dreams have been like this recently. Really disturbing some of them - but it beats the hell outta real life ass

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Well with practice you can control the dreams and do whatever you want with them. It’s fun. I got really into it in high school

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I wish we had a better understanding of how dreams work. Mine seem to have a lot of meaning to me

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There has been a fascination for dreams since the beginning of time. Even at present in indigenous cultures they play an important role.

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I had a dream once when I was dozing in my chair and I was awake in the dream. I was tired but awake in the dream. I was amazed at how awake I was. I fell asleep in the dream and woke up again in my chair. Then after a little while I fell asleep again and went back to the same dream with the same people in it. I was conscious in the dream.

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