Im 40 years old i suffer schizophrenia i take ap

how worse can it get from here scared for my future.

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Just take it one day at a time. :duck::duck::duck:


I don’t think it will get any worse, the worst years for schizophrenia are your 20s.

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it might be because you dont need antisycotic and you recovered.but i still ap.i dont know.

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I’m scared for my future too. I want to be a healthy elderly person. Not dependant on others. And friends.

When I see older people with schizophrenia on antipsychotics they seem much more stable and happy than younger ones.

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One step at a time

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Often two steps forward, one step back, but it’s not a death sentence.

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True, true…I’ve had schizophrenia for 40 years and feel I’ve paid my dues. Obviously I’m not problem-free though.


You shouldn t.most of the aps is not bad than smoking pot or cigar.lot of sz patient live long than average people if they take care their health.this is scientific can check it if you want.

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In my 20’s i was bouncing from one psychotic episode to another. Its true - it does get better when your older. I suppose you just learn to deal with it better thru experience.

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