I'll never go toTaco Bell again

Everything was going fine. I placed my order and pulled up to the window and handed the girl my debit card and she ran it through and handed me my food. I thought I would be friendly and funny and I said, “Man, I sure wish you guys made diet tacos.” Not brilliant but it was all that came to mind. But the girl didn’t get it and stood there looking at me with a bewildered look on her face. I repeated myself and her face didn’t change. I said, “It’s a joke.” Whooosh! Right over her head.

I’m sorry but that joke was hilarious and it deserved a laugh. I know my jokes are too sophisticated for most people but I took that as a grave insult and from now on I’m boycotting all Taco Bells.


Mmmm. Taco Bell.

I could definitely go for a diet taco.


I think it’s funny

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I just had Taco Bell yesterday and my biggest complaint is there’s not enough beef in their tacos.

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As someone who has worked a drive through, there are some jokes you hear so often that they just lose all humor. Sorry to say, but that’s one of them. I would have laughed anyways though, because I appreciated when people would try to go out of their way to make the job suck a bit less.


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