Ill grow on you

Kind of like a mold.

Ill just have to be patient and wait on people to join me.

But ill grow on people and then like magic poof! They’ll be like me all of a sudden.

Ill just have to wait i guess.

See you when you get here, won’t be long.

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as parasitic as those who you disdain…

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Prove it.

We wants proof.

I likes it spread out even.

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I don’t want to be moldy :frowning:

It’s just something that happens.

If it happens to soon you look weird but it happens to everyone.

Yesterday I discovered that the loaf of bread in the pantry was moldy. Obviously @pansdisease had been there. Like a visit from the Easter Bunny.


Hey … I just looked in the mirror and you know, you’re right. I’m a moldy oldie now, Last year nobody could tell but now I’m just an old poop. A feeb.

It’s just aging.

I aged to fast.

I experienced more ■■■■ by the age of twenty than most do by the age of fifty.

Im not even old.

I just got tortured.

growing like a tumor in a smoker’s lungs, feeding on the body’s nutrients, using them to be a bigger tumor

Nah, that’d be you and your musskels that must feed.

You are getting pretty big there i noticed in your photo.

You are the tumor my friend and you don’t seem to realize it.

They bring you your protein and you feed.

Im just a negative person. I don’t literally feed and kill other human beings to work out and grow my precious musskels and take pictures of myself.

Go look at yourself in the mirror some more leech.

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I didn’t think anybody cared about my muscles lol

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When I think of befriending you, I never pictured you as mold. I think your friendship would be more like a wart or like a bad case of acne.

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