If you’d have one wish, what would it be?
The supernatural power to make people I hate disappear. I’d find out if revenge really is empty or satisfying.
For more energy
To magically lose 20 pounds
I want to quit worrying about death and just sleep one night, take all my issues away and find true heaven…
I want to feel like myself before Schizophrenia…
To not use that wish. I have a magic ability to make any situation worse.
I’d choose to be rich.
Become myself before schizophrenia.
I wish my arthritis would go away.
id wish for infinite wishes after that everything i want
Be rich too. 155
Just wish I never got ill and lived a better life.
That’s a tough one. It depends.
Probably out of scope: Wishing for more wishes is usually ruled out in such games. Wishing for something universal to happen, like God’s will being done, is probably also out of the scope of the game. Wishing for everlasting life in good conditions for one of my loved ones is probably also beyond the power or scope of any such game.
So, assuming that such things are out of scope, if I’m expected to just wish for something relatively small for me and my goals:
I think that I would wish for memorized knowledge in my head on a cost-effective method to synthesize the legendary “Philosopher’s Stone.”
That would seemingly cover a lot of money that I might need in my life, because the “Philosopher’s Stone” is supposed to be able to turn mercury or lead into gold. It would seemingly cover longevity, barring things like unnatural or violent death, because the “Philosopher’s Stone” is supposed to be able to cure any ailment or grant everlasting life when consumed diluted in wine.
So there. There is one wish that might cover money, health, and longevity.
Gee whiz; to be a real boy Gepetto.
To have a new set of strong teeth lol!
Im good i have everything i need, im happy.
Money, lots and lots of money.
I wish V8 would start making their Spicy Mango juice again. I loved that stuff.
time machine with todays knowledge that i have
To be free from the shackles of Sz