If you were to adopt a kid

would you be more motivated?

Most parents are about the same level of motivated before and after kids, in my experience.


I found after I had my daughter that, while I felt the same lack of motivation, I was forced to “act as if” I had energy I did not feel. I HAD to get up multiple times in a night to care for the baby… I HAD to feed her and give her a clean place to live. I HAD to do these things because I love her and if I didn’t do them, she would not be happy and healthy which is all I wanted for her. It wasn’t easy. There are things I would do differently now than I did then but I was only working with the energy I had available.


Are we allowed to adopt kids? Sz could be a barrier against that.

IDK…I had a friend who was denied an adoption because she has Bipolar. So yes, that would be a problem most likely


I had a kid once had to make stew out of him…he kept eating the carpet and bleating in the middle of the night…we are talking goats right?


I didn’t know I couldn’t even adopt kids. =(
who knows what’ll happen in two years.

I would love to have a baby though one day - I just think I shouldn’t. I think it’s fun, and the reasonable thing to do at a certain age.

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I don’t know how I would be as a parent. I think that in a lot of ways I would be pretty good. But I’ve been declared “incapacitated”, so I really doubt if I can adopt a child. I can’t register to vote, so it stands to reason that they won’t let me adopt a child. If I did adopt a child I would want to be married to a stable woman to help with the kid raising.


We can’t vote…

I have four children and I feel like I am much more motivated than I would be without them, because I have the obligation to provide for and take care of them. If I didn’t have that obligation I wouldn’t be very motivated to do much at all.


Maybe it depends where you are, but in Oregon, USA you can adopt with sz as long as you’re med compliant or your doctor agrees you don’t need meds. As long as you’re following doctor’s orders you can foster and adopt. It might be different if you go through private agencies, but through the state the only barrier is med compliance.

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Since having my daughter I’m much more motivated to do things than I was before. I try harder to stay out of the hospital, I take better care of myself, I’m more med compliant, etc. Can’t afford for something to go wrong and potentially lose her.


I’m motivated by phish concerts and videos of tourettes guy.

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double-check your answers? don’t rush. exam’s not over till an hour

I’m as stable as a horse

you go bro!!!

We came close to adopting, it was our daughter freaking out badly over it that put a halt to things.I struggle with motivation every day. I struggled before my daughter arrived and I struggle now. I don’t think having a kid to fix your own problems is a good idea. If you’re having a child, you really need to be invested in the well-being of the child. Oh, and stable. And I do mean STABLE.


I’ve ridden some horses that weren’t very stable!

No offense, @sleepybug, you’re such a sweetheart, but having a baby is not fun. While I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything so I will sound like a hypocrite, and ofcourse you have to make your own life choices, please don’t make a decision to have a baby based on the idea that it’s fun.


it’s not only fun - my most friends have kids - and I am very good with taking care of them. I love kids. and they are a blessing as long as you are healthy and secure financially. I don’t think I will have kids for now - I am unstable and ill. But if I was healthy =) I would have 3 - 4. I love big families =)

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