If you were diagnosed with cancer

Same here. I would ask for palliative care.


It depends on how far the cancer has spread or what part of the body the cancer has affected. The treatment for some cancers can be extremely disfiguring or destroy your health or be very painful and long. If a doctor tells me I have a month to live if I accept surgery but the only treatment will horribly disfigure my face., I just might call it a day and refuse the treatment. Itā€™s called quality of life. Is the cure going to leave me in constant pain? Then forget it, leave me alone and let me die.


Iā€™d take the treatment ASAP.

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glad youā€™re getting the mole checkedā€¦good for you !! I would fight the cancer as long as I had a chance of survivingā€¦

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I would ask for treatment so I can hopefully get better and live.

I had ovarian cancer and had my ovaries removed about seven years ago.
The surgery was really painful but Iā€™m thankful for it because Iā€™m alive now and Iā€™m thankful for that.

Thanks to my gp for sending me to have ultrasound.
She saved my life.
I made her a pair of slippers and I made a blanket for my surgeon I had.

Iā€™m having a hysterectomy to remove my cervix and uterus because Iā€™m a high risk of getting cancer there.

Iā€™m better than Iā€™ve perhaps ever been and I want to live.:two_hearts:


Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t have your uterus and cervix removed seven years ago?

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Still should get it checked out @FatMama

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Iā€™ll for sure get checked when I see the dr on dec 3rd

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What Iā€™m hoping for is to die in my sleep. I have sleep apnea and if I l somehow die in my sleep that would be ideal. I just want nature to happen. Iā€™ve had good quality time with my kids, despite my illness and Iā€™ve prepared them for the inevitable. They know I will love them alive and will love them til my death. Iā€™ve lived life pretty much my way, so Iā€™m happy with that. Iā€™ve been married, had sex, got to have a childhood, teenage years, Iā€™ve traveled a bit, Iā€™ve owned a house, cars, gotten pampered, felt love, understood empathy, etcā€¦ Iā€™m content with how Iā€™ve lived this far and if cancer hits, im letting nature take itā€™s course.

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My doctors also thought I had Lou Gehrigā€™s, but it turned out to be muscular dystrophy.

With cancer- Iā€™ve actually came close to death in my seizures due to exhaustion, but I think I will fight. My friend that I am very close with was in tears because she thought I was going to die. So for my friends and family, I will fight.

Also @anon78876561 I hope you are doing okay. Having an illness is so tough :frowning:


Because I could still have children.
I think I was 34.


Iā€™d fight it. I sometimes doubt the whole concept of living for myself but, unfailingly, I want to persist for my loved ones.


I honestly canā€™t answer that. I fear if I ever end up with a digestive system cancer Iā€™d want treatment to either beat the cancer or dull the pain. If colon cancer is anything like colitis I donā€™t know what my state of mind would be.

But absolutely get that mole checked out Mama. Please let us know how you turn out.


This is a bit triggering. Not anyone elseā€™s fault . Itā€™s my stupid mind . I worry about whether I have cancer due to this back and hip pain . GP tested for arthritis and gave the all clear on that .

Itā€™s like a jagged pain in my hips, and a heavy pain in my back .

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My best friend was diagnosed with brain cancer and refused chemo.
I was mad at him at first, but he explained heā€™d had chemo before and he really couldnā€™t bare going through that again.
I came to respect it, and we stayed up many nights talking about our feelings towards it.

Then the doctors wanted to attempt removing some of his cancer to buy him another year. They told him they knew they couldnā€™t remove it all, but that theyā€™d fly in an expert to make sure they got as much as they could.
Well, guess what! When they opened him up, the expert took a look at his cancer and went ā€œyeah I can get all of this, no problemā€!!!

Now heā€™s one and a half years cancer free, and Iā€™m thankful every day for being able to have him in my life


I canā€™t imagine life without my cancer surviving niece who lost a kidney traumatically to that terrible disease when she was all too young. Iā€™m sorry you lost yours.


I was faced with this issue just recently
I got a letter to go for breast cancer screening and Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m better off not knowing as I think how could I fight breast cancer as well as schizophrenia

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Thatā€™s great it turned out OK


Iā€™m so happy that your niece is a survivor. :two_hearts:


It is better to check annually. If you catch it early, it is 90 % recovery rate. My mom is going through chemotherapy for breast cancer. It is not as bad as we thought because she found it early. She is actually doing quite well.

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