I’d be Pacman so I can eat all day and never gain weight unless I had an appetite for ghosts. Then I’d quickly lose the weight back.
Crysis, I will be invisible and have armor and regenerating body.
I’m ibuki character
Probably dark templar from starcraft 1 or maybe link from Zelda haha
I’d be a hunter from monster hunter living in that world. Or I would be link
I would be the ball in the first consumer video game; PONG
I don’t like paddles.
And I Might Just Escape, On One Side Or The oThEr…
Star fox - easy one - Lylat Wars
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Assassins creed
I like that game. I have all ACs including Valhalla. I remember Altayer, it means flying man.
I’d probably be the annoying super fan NPC from Oblivion that harasses the player until you decide to kill him for being annoying.
I don’t play video games, but it’d be fun to hear from people who do what character they would see me as
Sub zero from the Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis. I don’t care for the newest MK on PS4. I got that game for free and I still don’t play it. The combos on the original game version was killer.
FOX!!! Haha 6363363636
Haha how about princess Zelda. … Idk I don’t knkw you so well but that’s what I’d say
Cool! I’ll check her out!
She’s aweeosme haha
I just read she’s a damsel in distress lol!!!
I would be Maxine Caulfield, from Life is Strange.
I have revelations
OR, I might be a Witch Doctor or a Monk, in Diablo 3!! Man, that game is so fun.