If you live with your parents, what are your plans for

I was actually afraid to post because people might think it’s fake but then i was like…all these meds on my desk…all these other sz vids. It would be wayyyyyy to expensive to actually fake. Just another variation of that odd delusional thought we get that makes us think we’re faking it…

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Supplement my SSI with part time work as a web developer. Right now I’m learning the trade. I think I can make like 700 a month without losing my benefits. I don’t think I can work at Google or something because of my symptoms. I rather be safe than risky. If I worked part time, I could afford a room easily and have a better lifestyle.

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I think if you can work part time for 3 years or something like that you’re no longer considered disabled though. Have you heard that?

No I haven’t heard that. That sucks!

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@crimby My in laws parents were from Fayetteville Ak. Used to holiday up there and drive through the ratlands of the south to get there. Loved those trips and Fayetteville was a nice town. That football stadium was something else!

Hope you have a good xmas. Always liked visiting up that way!

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