If you have a delusion that is like for example a 'guardian angel' voice.....,

Then do you think that can still be detrimental.

Or at risk of being detrimental?

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One of my voices is my guardian angel,
named Avavu/Avavoulix.
I have seen him once.
Full of light


Just be careful following the advice of a voice @Zoe. Use your own judgement and try to be objective when making decisions.
Even if the voice seems friendly, take him or her with a grain of salt. Recognize that it’s still a voice.

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One of my two voices is a good spirit, she’s like a guardian too :blush:


I have this delusion about Earth’s spirit. It doesn’t really have a voice, I ask it yes or no questions and I feel my head give a subtle nod or shake when it answers them which is immediately.

I don’t think it is detrimental for me. Seems more like it guides me. Out of all my delusions I think that one is the least harmful. It sorta makes me feel like Earth is my friend. It is somehow comforting.

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