If you had to say whether APs are masculine or feminine what would you say? POLL

In another thread I just mentioned an sister molecule’ when referring to an AP.

Has got me wondering whether you feel APs are a girl or a boy. I think girls

  • Girl
  • Boy
  • Neither
  • Both
  • Other

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This answer will probably depend mostly on a person’s native language.


I’d say girl


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*breaks out the popcorn and watches people get triggered.


I don’t understand what you mean

With French it’s un antipsychotique hence masculine .


In romance languages lots of words are ever masculine or feminine.

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their obviously girls

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Why’s that???

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cos they just are duh

That’s the spirit! I was gonna say they were men because they are chemicals but I guess that leaves me wide open. Or does it??

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I think they are neither masculine or feminine in the English language.

They are $ in an old man’s bank account.



In Germany we say Neuroleptika… so I guess female?

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I’m going to be obtuse and say they are unisex, genderless, i wouldnt identify them as anything, i think they have mostly ingredients that can be traced back to certain plants maybe idk

I think they’re nonbinary lol

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My AP is transfeminine and agender! Also, it is biromantic but demisexual.


I have no idea what that means ninja, but YAAAAAAY you!

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a plant is normally a Hermaphrodite so both

Based on my very unofficial study of asking all the trans schizophrenics I know, apparently feminization hormone therapy makes psychosis better, and masculinization hormone therapy makes it worse. So in that respect, antipsychotics would fit better as girls.