If You Could Win The Lottery. . . . . . . . .


Choose The Amount Of Cash You Would Like To Receive.

How Much Would You Ask For?.

Me Personally?.

I’d Ask For One Dollar. . .

I Feel Like…, With The Freedom I Now Own…, No Amount Of Cash Could Replace That Love.

Although. . .

With A Dollar, I Could Get A Cup Of Soup!.


How About You (???).

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

P.s. The Orbital Compass~ ‘YouTube’. (0.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.4)

I would ask for my winnings to be paid out in monthly or weekly installments like some Norwegian lotteries do.
That way I’d have a disposable income each month.

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That Is Seemingly Cool An All @Pikasaur, But!..,

How Much Money Would You Ask To Be Paid, In Full (???).


Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

P.s. The Orbital Compass~ ‘YouTube’. (0.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.4)

I think 64million is enough

Recent lottery, 5 people won a lump sum of around 500m if I remember right.

I could help a lot of people with that.

I would ask for 100 billion dollars, this would cover my expenses and those of my family for life and perhaps I would be able to pursue some humanitarian missions, provided I kept my current pace of life and didn’t upgrade my home and other things.

I’d want to give out a sizable sum to many people who have helped me. I’d also want to get set up with materials so that I could tutor underprivileged kids for free. So, I’d still want a good bit. But, I wouldn’t want the hassle of the extra money…I’d donate it quickly.

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Or perhaps I would ask for all the wealth available in the world and would buy the amazon rainforest and other natural places to protect them.

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@ATARI your life must be nice for you to only want for a cup of soup! Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon a great secret.

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To Be Honest It Was Never A Secret Bound By Endless Chains. . .

You See…, My Mom Adopted A Puppy. Long…, Long…, Long Ago.

I Didn’t Want To Get Involved Because I Was Frustrated About Everything In My Life.

I Ended Up Being The Strange Guy Who Gave Him His Name. Pushing Away Hopeless Amazement By Thus Little Creature. After A Few Weeks Of Ignoring Him.

He One Day, Some Weekend. As I Was Playing Video Games. Walked Into My Room.

He Had Sad Puppy Eyes. Already Looking Like An Adult Pup. And Asked Me…,

‘What’s Going On’?. Seemingly Confused. As If To Say That I Was His Only Hope.

And He Slowly Walked Up Closer And As Soon As I Began To Pet Him…, That Was It.

Love, Life, And Nature.

And A New Best Friend!.

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.


Hmm. I did some math. I would ask for $4,750,000. It’s a lot I know but here is how I broke it down.

Assuming I would be paying all of my own bills with this money that number would give me an annual income of $80,000 until I turn 75. I would ask that the money be paid out in weekly increments. That way I could easily make sure all of my bills were paid, including securing better insurance, and that I was putting enough of it into savings to buy a house by the time I am 35. Since I wouldn’t need to work for a living, I would spend lots of time volunteering for and donate to the nonprofits that are close to my heart. I’d also save up to do a little traveling. Of course, I’d also spend lots of time making art.

When I turn 75, that income would drop down to 50,000 a year which would go to maintaining my home, insurance, bills and end of life preparations.

Since I do not want kids, all of my money and assets will be left to my nieces and nephews and their children.

Thanks for posting this @ATARI. That was a fun thought experiment.


Thoughts Are Jus Thoughts You Think?.

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

P.s. The Orbital Compass~ ‘YouTube’. (0.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.4)

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Interesting point.

I believe thoughts are just thoughts if you let them be. Some thoughts you can act on and make them become reality.

I would want enough to be secure. I would want comfort, not luxury. My needs are pretty modest. I might allow myself to own a single person camper for fishing trips. I don’t know.

Id take whatever amount i won, why less?

20 million would be nice. I would buy a house and travel.

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