If you could see anyone in concert dead or alive?

I’ve seen them. They were ok.

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Ouch!! 155555555

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Ha! They weren’t bad, they just weren’t great. Nothing truly memorable.

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They are my favorite band!

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Wagner, or B52’s in 90’s

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Ella Fitzgerald
Simon and Garfunkel
Janis Joplin


Tupac Shakur


I don’t think I could handle going to a concert anymore. I get paranoid in crowded places sometimes. That being said, if The Lumineers threw a concert (or played a set) in my backyard that’d be awesome.

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Tupac and or nirvana

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Don’t remember who it was Whispering Pines Unfaithful Servant-

From the past. Pink Floyd with Waters or the Velvet Underground.
80’s-90’s Husker Du or the Minutemen.
Currently/last 10 years. At the Drive In at their peak and first time around.


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