The night i went insane.
Of course SZ
i thought of something more specific. Like a horrible hallucination that has haunted you.
i would say avolition…
I want to forget something in life which should be forgotten, like random people. But i remembered a lot of random people and minor things.
My first love. I judge everyone against her and no one compares.
every negative thing
Porn, all of it
That way I could get excited about every little facet, like a teenager all over again!
Or computer games, so I could spend the next few years mastering them again!
I have already buried so much i think it has snow balled into d.i.d…so watch what you wish for…i will remember before i forget this…
I don’t want to say what I want to forget, since it is so bad I can’t even say it to anyone. There are things that I have done that would send me to prison.
Some miserable people from my past.
Probably all my past, it’s like my past is on repeat, and I’m looking for a mind where I can be well again.
a factory reset would be nice, but I wouldn’t be the same the person if I had one!
Despite what the voices used to tell me
My first bad psychotic episode
Strangely enough I am finally beginning to forget the bad things. I hope it’s not cognitive problems but it’s nice for now.
Seeing the death of innocent animals in hallucinations.