What would you change about this forum if you could?
I think one of mine would be to be able to delete more than one post in 24 hours.
I’m not sure. I like it the way it is.
A “dislike” button.
I understand why they only have the “like” one,
But it’d still be nice to let some people know when they’re not being cool.
Then again, I usually just say something because I like drama.
I don’t know,
That’s really the only thing I can think of.
Hmm. . .
e(Y)e WoUlDn"T ChAnGe A ThinG (!()!).
Yes! That there is an option to donate for server costs, maintenance, and maybe some more so the mods can get a coffee or something. Idk. I think too much I guess.
Or maybe just delete the whole last 24 hours of my presence. Do like a back to the future thing. Lol
More possums
I would have more people sharing more about their lives because they were feeling more comfortable.
Hmm. . .
Ok, I Change My Mind.
I Would Change Every . Single . Comment . To . Be . Under . MY . Name.
So Everyone Would Know That I RULE The Universe!.
I Own The Kingdom.
It’s All Mine.
All Of It.
Belongs To Me.
Yup!. Yup!.
What would you like to know?
anything you are comfortable sharing
Yeah, I’ll will also post anything you want to know.
I’m pretty much open book. I just don’t provide unless someone asks because I know people don’t care that much. But I will tell you if I’m uncomfortable sharing something.
Dang, a bird just flew into my window really hard.
Whoopsi. Need to smudge up those windows so they can see them coming. lol
Dinner tiiiiiiiime!!!
I’m kidding. I hope birdie is okay.
well @Bowens and @anon78876561 tell me what are your plans for today?
My plans are pathetic as usual. I still owe a dog walk for the day, so there is that. If I work up the motivation I may go to the grocery store. I have not decided on that one yet. It will be supper in a couple hours, so there is that.
I dunno leafy, not much interesting really. I plan on being on the forum as usual most of the rest of the day/night.
yea, I got crap to do, but no motivation. Maybe a cup of coffee? or Tea? idk