If we have to come back

To this bloody house tomorrow I will lose my mind. I am beyond stressed. I can barely breathe from anxiety.

You got this…

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What’s wrong with the house??

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Hoping you dont have to come back to the house. Whats wrong with it?

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@Abise @SunLion
I let it get so out of control. I just can’t believe how disgusting I am. This place makes me hate myself so much. I just want to start over. I hate it here. I love my new apartment.

@FatMama deep cleaning a house you have lived in for a long time is stressful. You are not disgusting. There’s always lots of dirt hiding behind things. Plus when it’s empty it makes all the dirt stand out.

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@FatMama you will☺️ You already made the first step! Try not to overthink too much, just live life

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