If ur bored get to a concert

See some live music and enjoy urself. U deserve it. Nothing like going out on a Friday night and not caring about anything but the music. Have some fun. Be one with our universal language. And if going out to see music isn’t ur thing then force urself to go cause u might be surprised.

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I love going to metal shows. The bands I like are a bit underground, so I go to the small, intimate venues that never cost more than $20 general admission. The last concert I went to was only $5, and it was a fantastic show! Being surrounded by people gets me paranoid about my pockets getting picked, so I am forever feeling for my wallet, phone and keys, but I enjoy it a lot nonetheless.

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I saw the Rolling Stones in concert in 1979. Way before they all turned into lizard/ mummified looking men.

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Went to a sevendust concert last…I won’t say who the headliners were for fear of losing my metal credibility… But it was too large…

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I saw Prince in concert once!


It cost a lot of money , maybe i should try nightclub. But still after 9 pm i just want to sleep cant enjoi things so much. Better buy good video game . Its cheaper cuz you can play hundreds of hours

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It depends on who you go see…who they are with and what the venue is…also the genre grandpas rock and pop are probably the more expensive tickets…

Yeah which groups i like are usually expensive and not in my city, but i dont have my favorite bands i usually listen to djs drum and bass,which is over in my coty ,but yeah maybe i try one concerts in a club near me.sometime

I watched a show where they used the reconstructed version of stone henge…maybe…a henge either way…and blasted binaural beats in the center…the way the stones are setup this seems to be one of the functions…it amplified the energy and everyone was smiling and giggling…

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