They wouldn’t have been helping psychopaths stalk you, almost your whole life, especially after diagnosis. They really don’t want people functional.
I think those are probably delusions.
In the states they have this ‘Ticket to work’ program. Are you in the states?
I can’t see how I’d be able to replace or out earn what I currently get in SSDI though.
I believe my skepticism is correct to have only bc as my PDoc and I have begun to have a good relationship, he doesn’t bring it up anymore.
Maybe, but helping them ruin your health and worsen your symptoms isn’t going to put people back to work. No one ever did the things, they do now, when I worked.
Yes, I’m in the states and I’ve thought about it, but people are always making me sick or homeless.
You’ve sounded better than this, in the past.
Are you just letting your hair down or do you think (have the insight) into possibly needing extra help?
I’d be interested into hearing about your stalkers. I have plain vanilla enemies and w Sz it’s hard for me to feel safe that I won’t have to someday endure some kind of reprisal.
Reality and my fantastical brain are a little at odds.
I’ve had stalkers for years. There are people around, who are really obsessed with trying to negatively affect your life. There are a lot of jealous busybodies trying to cause ridiculous problems for people.
Can you elaborate on them, I think you’re holding back, are you so scared that describing them on here will hurt your situation? I’m like that a little on most days and moods.
But I even mess that up due to what must come down to having a broken filter…
Well, for the last year, it seems to be related to someone I went out with 3 years ago. I don’t even know who they are. If it was the person I actually went out with, he would be calling. Someone pounded on my door one night, when I’ve never told anyone where I live. You hear lies in the street, as if I’m associated with stalkers. Lying punks show up in the night outside, saying they’re looking for me, as if I’m supposed to be out there at night. I usually don’t go out after 5pm.
I know it gets said to you often I’ll bet, but that sounds like a whole lot of schizophrenia at play.
I took most notice of how you said it seems related to the person you went out with 3 years ago…
I suppose it ended poorly or was unhealthy overall; was it negative for you?
Are you starting to think about this stuff a lot lately?
I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but I’ve noticed sometime this year you started to sound a lot better than you had in the past. Did you get a med adjustment?
Maybe you should talk to your doctor if you feel like these kinds of thoughts are getting more and more frequent.
I get threatened now, as if I wasn’t supposed to break up with him. He was too young. I don’t really think it’s even him.
Thanks for talking about yourself so openly.
I see threats in two books that are out there being sold on Amazon.
Scary there is that they’re both in the psych field. One is someone I took my trust to a long time ago.
All I’ll tell you at this juncture, is that i was really late in discovering these ‘clues’ i )couch it like that so it’s less scary.) But thank God I figured it out late years later, otherwise I may have made ‘bad choices’.
It all sux bc I’m a man who has trouble doing nothing. And that is probably the wisest course of action.
It pours from me or manifests in biting nails, picking my head, everything like that, that you could imagine.
i think y ou are right and correct brendalyn. you just gotta beat the odds and look for opportunities should they arise to sneak out of the hole they dug for us.
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