Smartphones aren’t that easy to operate if you’ve never used one. At least android isn’t. Yet millions of people figure it out every day for the first time.
I remember having to have someone show me how to answer or unlock my phone lol
I struggle with Android phones but Apple is very simple
Don’t underestimate how stupid people can be.
Yeah iPhones are a lot easier to use than Androids.
Older people struggle with technology because they’re set in their ways. Even a kid who’s just learned to read can learn to operate a smart phone in no time. Smart phones are not difficult, learning to think in an unfamiliar way is (when you’re no longer a child).
Don’t be silly! Have you seen millenials trying to operate an old fashioned telephone?
For the lols…
You know most of us grew up with them around right?
I think if you can sniff out a 99¢ bottomless cup of coffee you can manage a smart phone.
I’ll invent stupid phones. Two cans of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup and a wire. Bingo!
I am rather nervous when it comes to using technology . I put off changing from Vista for years because I thought there wasn’t a bat in hell’s chance I’d cope with Windows 8 .
I have the same nervousness and self doubt when it comes to smartphones . I tried one a granddaughter lent me for a few months , and really struggled with the touch screen element .
I managed to make calls and that was it . I looked at google maps but just couldn’t use it .
My grandmother is the same way and it baffles me. I hope I won’t be so wary of new technology when I’m old.
Yes, there are millions of elderly people who are completely clueless when it comes to any kind of smartphone or computer.
In my case I’d have probably struggled with it if they had been around in the late 80s .
Having said that I learnt to use a computer in the mid 90s without the help of computer classes , and with just the basic Windows manual .
My Father has an older iPhone and he has trouble using it sometimes.
I wish he would get a flip phone.
I learned to use a computer when I was 6 without a manual. I’ve never even had a desktop computer sent for repairs, I would fix any problems myself, even as a child. I never read manuals for phones or computers.
I learn to use my phones and computers without instructions. It’s usually pretty intuitive.
I was 39 when I first got a computer . Even when comparing a 6 year old to a 39 year old there’s a wealth of difference in terms of using new things . That being in favour of the 6 year old .
In the 80s/90s it was young people finding using video players a walk in the park , while older adults had more of a struggle in using one .
As for the manual-it was a case of ‘It’s there so use it’ .
Yeah, that difference between kids and grown-ups was what I was trying to point out. I think using a manual would just have slowed me down.
I think through the ages kids have tended to be better at using new things . Despite what some older adults will say , kids through the ages have had many admirable qualities . Their ability to adjust to new things is one of them .
Can you blame them? Hell, I was 45 years old before I got on a computer. It was complicated. I can do a lot with ease *now", but when I first started, it was like learning a foreign language, everything about it was alien to me. And I’m lousy at learning foreign languages too. I taught myself how to drive a forklift. an electric pallet jack, a cardboard bailer and many other pieces of machinery in decent time. But It took me awhile to feel comfortable on a computer.