i drink too much water, i drink too much coffee. its always something im doing wrong. with the quitting smoking i have been using coffee as a vice, and now im drinking 1 or 2 gallons of water a day, which i didn’t know but just read can be dangerous. im a mess right now, i wish something i did was actually good for me health wise.
im starting to think coffee is the worst drug ive ever touched, i can quit drinking, i can quit smoking, but i have to have my 2 cups in the morning. i plan to try to quit, but i dont know how iim gonna be able to. maybe try herbal tea or something. ginger tea maybe.
i wish i could just sleep for a month, and be a new man, not addicted to anything.
I hear you can get addicted to exercise
yeah i’ve been addicted to exercise in the past. that was back when i was really healthy, didn’t smoke cigarettes, didn’t drink alcohol, didn’t even drink coffee. i am trying to get back into it. i have weights in my living room and a treadmill in my spare bedroom.
after 31 days without a smoke, 9 days from now, i quit coffee too.
That’s a lot of water. Have you had your blood sugar checked recently?
I agree with @Leaf I think you can get addicted to anything. Idk. I think the key is moderation in all things which is something I’m not personally good at.
Same here @Loke moderation is difficult for me, I really have to try.
no, i don’t think it’s diabetes, i just started drinking a gallon of water a day a couple weeks ago, just to be consuming something so i didn’t buy cigarettes. then i started progressing to 2 gallons a day these past 3 or 4 days. i was reading a man should drink about 100 ounces of water a day so i learned i need to cut back. actually one thing i read said 6 liters of water can kill a 165 pound person, i drank 7 liters yesterday in 20 awake hours haha. but i will go back to a half gallon of water a day, or just get rid of my water gallons and get a 20 oz bottle to fill up 5 or 6 times a day.
A fellow forum member I think was @LevelJ1 posted this the other day
I don’t know but I think any person is sposed to have 8-10 8 ounce waters a day.
I think the main problem with excessive water consumption is having blood cells burst because of the unbalance of salinity. Gatorade might be safer as you try to cut back, since it has electrolytes and salt.
Quitting water and coffee is child’s play compared to quitting smoking. Once the urges to quit smoking go away completely you can regulate your other stuff easier. I still drink coffee, but just 1 cup in the morning.
Quitting smoking is damn hard.
Too much water will throw off your electrolytes. It’s not good to do that. All of your vitamin levels will be thrown off, actually.
1 gallon is more than enough.
I don’t think 1-2 small cups of coffee in the morning hurts anything. I mean if it really is a stumbling block maybe quit it but if I were only drinking that much I wouldn’t see it as a problem.
Yes we must resist!
You’re inspiring me to quit my vices. Also low on duckets so I’m gonna have to quit. All things work together for good if you will.
Hah. You haven’t seen me with hazelnut chocolate spread.