If I have sz it's just not that severe

Well it is severe without meds I guess but the moods are way more overpowerimg cos I still get that even with the meds although not as severe.

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Hope I get some answers in the new year.

Tell me something @anon25873142
Do you ever hallucinate?


They say that schizophrenics mainly have auditory hallucinations (voices)

And bipolar patients mainly have visual hallucinations.

When I hallucinate, it’s mainly visual.


Visual here too.

Can youse control your hallucinations?


I can’t control my hallucinations

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Yes mostly visual but may have had auditory but unsure if it was or not. Mostly music.


I wouldn’t worry about the label so much. As long as you get the treatment you need that’s all that matters



Is it music you were already familiar with ish?

I like to describe mine as “residual schizophrenia.” TBH though I think that’s an outdated term that is no longer officially recognized, but it’s still the best way to describe my condition. If I just say I’m schizophrenic people will mistakenly assume that I’m prone to paranoia and delusions.


What’s residual mean?

You hallucinate and they don’t bother you?

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Yeah basically.

Hearing voices is the only major symptom I have left and they are usually nice to me, no insults or commands, so they are pretty easy to tune out.

When it first started though I had all the symptoms including visual hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. Those went away between like year 3 and year 4 (it’s now been 7 years total since it started).

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I have mostly auditory hallucinations but when i was on risperidone it became mostly visual. I dont know why but the visual hallucinations got a lot worse while on that drug.


Yeah I’m on risperidone
Food for thought


I got hallucinations in all sensory spheres. The worst were the olfactory (smell) hallucinations though. The most frequent are the auditory, but those don’t usually bother me at all.

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No I heard trumpets I’ve never heard before. It was weird.

@anon25873142 I think that you would “like” to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, it must be horrible to have symptoms of bipolar and psychosis and not know what you have.


If I am honest @Simonw , i’d just like to be diagnosed with something with some certainty. I am always confused, and so are the doctors it seems.

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In all fairness @anon25873142
You may have more clarity into your illness if you were consistently seeing a psychiatrist on a regular basis.
My doctor was confused in the start of seeing me but over the years and getting to know me more she now is certain that I am afflicted with a mood disorder, bipolar.
It took her years to properly diagnose me.


I agree with you @Wave, but the system doesn’t work like this here. I see one only as and when required or when I ask but I cannot keep going back to them if they keep dischargign me back to my GP. It means i have to go through the GP and ask for a referral everytime they do this and then there is a few months wait to be seen each time.

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