If I complain about having to go to work while I hear voices while someone elsegets a LoA for a break up is that going to be pissed on?

Basically the title.

I am hearing voices…again…and I have to go to work because I need the money and someone else (who has similar issues to me tbh but still) is on a Leave of Absence for a ■■■■■■■ breakup with someone they didn’t even live with (so the reason some people gave me about transportation issues bc of shared cars and living arrangements when I ranted elsewhere is ■■■■■■■■ in this case).

I am also sometimes asked to do this person’s job (putting stuff back, which I HATE HATE HATE).

I have had to work through a break up and I am currently in a depression spell which has been made worse by a bad date.

FML basically.

And yes I acknowledge I am bitchy about this and no I don’t care.

Also apparently no one seems to realize if Walmart starts accommodating relationship issues then we won’t be able to accommodate actual health issues.

Sadly, accommodations aren’t always fair. Dealing with a bit of the same myself right now. If you can’t make things work where you are, look into working somewhere else.

(((hugs))) and good luck.


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Yeah that doesn’t seem fair or right. You would think that if you were experiencing some breakthrough symptoms that you would be given some time to deal with them before going back to work. Hang in there though.

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They did just start yesterday so I have not asked yet, I am going to ask if I cannot get a appt Monday on my day off.

I get that the person in question has schizophrenia (I have psychotic depression) but still, using a Leave of Absence for a break up seems like abuse of the system tbh.

He already gets intermittent leave (he gets to call in more then everyone else, like 9 days a month, without getting a “point” which if you get 5 of you get fired).

I am honestly not comfortable telling my job about my mental issues as I want to move up and I feel that will hinder me.

Specifically I wanna be an Asset Protection Associate (APA, person who catches shoplifters) so I don’t want to risk people thinking I am too crazy for the job.

I do stay on top of my condition for that for that reason.

I am going to deal with the voices by going to my Psychiatrist tho, just have to find the time.

To be fair I have not asked yet. Replied more about it to someone else.

I do know however some people with infections that require Iv antibiotics have in the past been denied leave, so honestly this does not seem fair.

IMO LoA should be for health issues, not just because you had a break up.

Like I am sorry that he got broken up with, I understand it can be awful, I do.

But if we start accommodating that type of stuff where does it end.

And OMFG, someone actually said where I originally ranted that if someone is not in the right frame of mind they will be useless at work.

Yea I am kinda psychotic right now but somehow I am still getting ■■■■ done so no lol.

Sometimes that can be true but not always.

(this is just gonna be where I rant about this tbh).

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