then what is joy?
what is the opposite of comparison
please don’t say not comparing
because i don’t like that answer
then what is joy?
what is the opposite of comparison
please don’t say not comparing
because i don’t like that answer
The opposite of comparing is to contrast.
what do you mean by that?
To compare is to look for similarities …to contrast is to look for differences.
and if there are no differences then does that mean all you can do is compare?
i am not very unique, in a good way you see
The same answer applies to both questions: epoché, in the hope of achieving ataraxia. Unfortunately there isn’t a less posh way of expressing it.
You seem plenty unique to me. Are you beating yourself up again today Mae?
To compare two cars is to look for their similarities while ignoring their differences?
i will have to research this lol, i am clueless,…
You’re more clueful than you give yourself credit for.
you guys are too nice to me i am pretty much not very distinctive in reality.
i even distance myself from my sister now because I am jealous of her
i guess i am clueful at times…, thanks seksoempirico
just not feeling happy about things today but it is okay i will think myself out of it
I think when used on it’s own compare can mean both but when used with contrast that is the meaning.
“To compare and contrast”
I hope you feel better soon Mae
Thanks Bowens, I hope you are well too :)…,
Well, that was a very posh, and very accurate answer, I had to make a wiki or two to understand it.
Husserl and Merleau Ponty wrote that epoché was the starting point of their method: Describing the inner world as it is presented
@bluebutterfly I’m drinking non alcoholic calvados, that’s why I’m being so posh.
Joy is harmony I would say
And comparing ourselves (along with many other things) disrupts than inner harmony:
according to Aristotle the opposite of envy would be righteousness
It’s counterpart would be maliciousness
Envy is pain at the good of another
Maliciousness is pleasure at the pain of another
Righteousness according to Aristotle is:
“Righteous Indignation is a mean between Envy and Spite…righteous indignation is distressed at instances of undeserved good fortune”.[2]
Which perhaps means being happy when good happens to others and being sad when bad happens to them
Hmm. . .
It’s Strange To Note Pure Intelligence Is Blissful Ignorance Of Educational Programming.
Which Could Be Another Way To Say, That Comparison May Steal The Joy In Thus Thread.
Lord Knows I Truly Hope Not.