on facebook or Instagram does that mean she likes you?
Is she friends with your friends? If not its probably a scam, fake account.
I mean possibly but it could also mean she is just like oh I know that person I wonder how they’re doing or that she likes you as a friend.
I know her in real life friend of a friend
Oh then she wants to be friends. Talk to her.
Oh well I would have nothing to say to her my life is too dysfunctional
I got friend requests all the time on facebook - and when i did a bit of a detective work, usually turned out to be some nigerian scammer. Or some one from Ghana.
I hate facebook anyway- i only got one cos you need one for the Quest 2 VR, Flaming piss take.
I know its hard for me too, I am friend with girls from university on fb and I had nothing to say other than about studies back then. Now I don’t talk to them at all.
It means I had better explain to my wife who she is!
She could just be adding people to have more friends. She could also be a scammer
Hmm. And how many women do you have?
Too many - they’re more interesting to talk to than men. I can trade recipes and talk cats with women. Men want to talk sports. Blech.
No I know her in real life she isn’t a scammer
Oh ok. It could just be a friendship thing
I know this. I went to the ER once. My husband was sitting right next to my bed. The nurse caring for me was a male and I discerned that he was very intelligent. Well I started an intellectual conversation with him. We talked for awhile then he said, “The reason I come to work is for my wife and kids.” I thought “Why the hell does every guy think I’m flirting with him? My husband is 2 feet away from me!”
Friendly doesn’t mean flirting. I’ve got a cousin who talks to everyone and she even meets guy friends for lunch. Her husband doesn’t care.
My husband was FB friends with a very attractive girl from Texas and they were even pen pals. I wasn’t even worried about it. They’d known each other for years
The question is do you like her?
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