If a delusion does not cause you to harm yourself or others and does not have a negative impact on your daily life, is it still bad?

This thread is inspired by a thread I saw earlier today and it got me thinking. Are all delusions bad? Is it ok to have a delusion that does not harm yourself or others and does not impact your daily life in a negative way? Or is reality the only way to go?


I think everyone has a few fantasies shall we say, not just people with schizophrenia. If itā€™s harmless, what the hell


I feel like itā€™s not bad.

I have an active delusion that I totally let myself fall in the abyss with.

If it werenā€™t for that delusion, I would probably spend all day feeling sorry for myself or guilty because I canā€™t work and am a lonely housewife.

But I have it.

Itā€™s not keeping me from what I need to do, not hurting anyone.

Not the healthiest thing in the world,

But not bad.


If itā€™s harmless then I donā€™t really see a problem with it. A delusion is just a false belief. Everyday people falsely believe things all the time and they seem to get through life.

Itā€™s only when it starts to cause serious problems, if it affects your ability to function and live your life that I think it becomes a medical issue.

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I have a persistent delusion??? that everyone, even friends and family, and especially them, are after my money and my meds. And that they steal from me all the time and have been doing so for many years.

I also have the delusion??? that my bank and my brokerage firm have been working together for years to steal a LOT of money from me.


Iā€™m going to say yes, since by definition a delusion is a symptom of something. Itā€™s more than just a belief, or a wish, or a daydream


Idk if its a delusion, maybe, I guess others may call it a delusion and I donā€™t believe in religion but I think that everyone is going to heaven after death, no more sz or misery.


I think itā€™s fine. They arenā€™t bad unless they cause something bad. Some of them can probably cause good things too. But in general, theyā€™re probably mostly bad.


Well, i have trumanomatrix.
Cameras are watching.
They donā€™t harm me but
they make me panic.

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I have delusions and I do nothing about it, but I am still terrified about it.


My delusions are mostly negative and terrifying. But pre-meds, I had one that was super positive and made me feel amazing. It used to keep me going, no matter how bad other things were. I miss it, and I feel like I need it so much sometimes. But the meds knocked out the good with the bad.


I think that any delusion has the potential to rise up and bite you on the ass, even if it is a mild delusion. For example, being twenty-nine years old and thinking youā€™re going to become a great boxer when you have no experience as a boxer can have a detrimental effect on your life in a lot of different ways. I knew a guy who had that delusion. Heā€™d been in a mental hospital for four years when I first met him.


Thatā€™s incredible. I thought 3 weeks was long for me


Well according to my psych doctor yes it is still bad.

Me personally, Iā€™m not so sure.


My delusions have never harmed anyone. Itā€™s other peopleā€™s delusions harming me.


Not going to get into prohibited topics here, as that wouldnā€™t be appropriate

However there are many mass delusions that can be found in all sorts of places

Feeding off this human ā€˜urgeā€™ lines the pockets of the marketeers in our global economy

A bit like the American dream. Do all those people really think they will all succeed and be like Bill Gates?

No. Definitely not. However, this simple example shows how an idea of something better than what you have is a real driver for people to get out of bed each day and be productive.

In a way these desperate people who want to have a better car than their neighbour, buy a big house and live in excess luxury - all do it at the expense of other peoples efforts that they get no such reward in.

Itā€™s a fact that there is a well established food chain of have and have nots, and the margins for moving up or down are very small

You see a delusion is just an idea, and I could quote countless examples of things people buy into thinking theyā€™re getting something special for themselves.

I donā€™t deny I do spend money on some expensive things like my Apple products, but for me theyā€™re functional and I use them all the time - I got sick of replacing cheaper products more often and it made no financial sense to do that.

Anyway, my two cents


I have been improving but I have had one particular delusion that will not go away. I believe it is good for me. Not harming myself or others. I tell my therapist but I feel a little ashamed of it.

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This is what I think about my unusual beliefs, but then again I donā€™t think they are delusions at all.


My parents are mildly superstitious and as someone who doesnā€™t believe in any of it, I found it very confusing growing up hearing rules and super natural coincidences explained as factual observable phenomena that can be explained.

With schizophrenia it is much much worse because most of the time it does effect the individual. And even when it may not do harm it still isnā€™t kind to just go along with other peopleā€™s delusions out of pity. When I lose my marbles Iā€™m much fonder of the people who tried to help me pick them back up and stop me making a fool of myself than those who go along with it because they are too cowardly and apathetic to say anything.
In my opinion going along saying nothing isnt so different from encouraging it. I value honesty and Iā€™d much rather point out the flaws in my thinking than to silently/privately judge me while also acting as if what Iā€™m doing makes sense while in my company.