be a martyr than a murderer. Hubby doesn’t understand I cut myself to protect him from Alien in me. I’d rather hurt myself than others. He says I’m being irrational but he doesn’t understand.
You really should go to the hospital. You’re not in a good place mentally. It’s hard, but would help.
Don’t cut yourself.
Call your pdoc.
Do you have a PRN?
I agree with @anon4362788
It’s time to go to the ER @Hadeda
You are getting worse.
Self harm is not ok.
You are a danger to yourself.
I agree with ZombieMombie and Wave. You really should go to a hospital.
Yes please seek help @Hadeda before you hurt your self. It seems really Hard what you’re going through.
Thanks guys, I’m finally listening. My sister is arranging things for me to be taken to ER
Your hubby is right, you are being irrational.
I was irrational once, I thought I was being mind controlled, and that it could happen at a distance so nowhere was safe. Once I found meds that worked all that went away and I started thinking rationally again.
Talk to you doctor and be honest. Sounds like a med adjustment is in order.
The key is to not want to hurt anyone, yourself included. You might benefit from a stint in the hospital.
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