I woke up confused

I just woke up confused. I dont remember falling asleep last night. Its like my memory of last night is completely wiped out. I also woke up not remembering what day it is. Should I be worried? Or does this happen to others?

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This happens to me when I don’t keep regular sleeping hours or if I was worried upon going to sleep.

I hope the confusion subsides soon.

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I have only had this happen this year and always accompanied with headaches. But last year (2021) since it happened starting in January I started developing a 24/7 migraine that I had to seek medical attention for (never had a problem with headaches before in my life). I just woke up that morning and had the headache, I was confused and tired, but after a year of testing they have found no reason for the migraine/s. They still can’t decide whether it is one headache or so many little ones that I can’t tell them apart. But their regimen they have me on works really well. I only get about one migraine that breaks through a month. My neurologist is baffled though. Anyway sorry I rambled, my point was, did you have any other symptoms like a headache last night at all?

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Did you do anything differe t with your medicine routine yesterday, if you can remember?
A little too much alcohol too close to med time?

Have you been sleep deprived?

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No to all those questions @Pikasaur - I’ll be okay, thanks for the reply.

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No headache @Benz

Did you drank? Felt psychotic?

Has this happend to you before?

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I did not drink @anon20787234

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How long did this amnesia last for @TheCanuk
Are you ok now?

I’ll lose track of time sometimes when I just get up, first thing in the morning but it lasts for seconds then I’m fine.

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@Wave - i’m okay now, thanks for asking. It didn’t last for very long.

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This only happens to me if im drinking or if i hit my head real hard

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I wake up confused sometimes. Not knowing where I am etc. One night last week I woke up confused with my arm completely numb because I slept on it and I panicked and screamed F—

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I wake up with a numb arm all the time. You just have to wiggle your fingers until the feeling comes back. Ive woken up with a numb leg and that really hurts when the blood starts flowing.

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