I wish I had

My apartment is too small and it’s against building regulations.

Plus, I don’t really have anyone who could look after the cat if I had to go inpatient or decided to stay with a friend overnight b

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I wish i had my own place, but i’m on the waiting list for an apartment and it will come. I just have to be patient.

I am 43 and got my first pair of glasses two years ago. I started off with bifocals.

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wow, bifocals right off the bat? And you’re so young. My eye Dr told me about 5 years ago that I needed them but I’ve been conflicted because my mother warned me off them. She said it’s better to get 2 pairs of glasses and switch between the 2. I just never got the second pair of glasses. Now I’m finding that my arms aren’t long enough to read the small print lol. Soon I will get new glasses and I will try the bifocals and hope my mother was wrong.

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Yeah the up-close part isn’t very strong. i mostly see okay up close. It’s distance that i have problems with. I can hardly see to drive, which is the main reason i went and got my eyes checked in the first place. I have the transitions or whatever it is called, the no-line bifocals.

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Thanks :heart: 15151515

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Oh yea! Are those any good? Maybe I should get those.

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Yeah i like them. I really don’t wear them around the house much but anytime i go out and drive i need them. I am new to glasses but i haven’t had any problems with them.

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A better time meeting new people so it never turned to delusion. I can’t control it

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I wish I had a more loving spirit.

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Never. 15 characters

A car or a truck.

@FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter you already have that whatchu talkin bout willis


You’re so sweet @agent101g! Thank you! But I really need to be more selfless!

I hope you can save up for a car! Do you have your license?

Yes I have my license and I’ve had a car from age 21 to 33 uninterrupted. Then I crashed my beloved Silverado with 60k miles on it into the side guard of a highway when I was psychotic and a voice told me to “drive fast to prove I’m psychic.”

I drove for the first time since then a few days ago, from the grocery store to home. It went fine, I just need to get used to how much space is on my right when I’m in the vehicle. I’m overcompensating by giving parked cars too much space if that makes any sense. I went to the pizzeria in the Tahoe the next day also with no problems.

I stopped obeying commands and thinking I was in a dream world over a year ago, so no dangers going forward. I won’t allow myself to drive highways. As long as I stay off those I can stay calm and drive safely.


All I want is a God to take care of me.

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I’m going to be greedy and wish for an unlimited supply of wishes as my wish

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That’s great @agent101g that you can drive again! It sounds like it’s going well! I’m so sorry you crashed your car. That’s awful. :frowning: Were you hurt?

No, the airbag deployed and I had my seatbelt on. The insurance company paid me almost exactly what I originally paid for it, but I went through the money on hotels because I was psychotic. Eventually a family member started helping me look for a room to rent, which was so much better, but I had blown half of my disability backpay by then.

Anyway, those were dark times, it’s better now. I should be glad I didn’t get hurt, but I really did attach to that truck it was a cool blue one with roll’em’up windows so I can ask other drivers for Grey Poupon if the need ever came up. My next vehicle will probably be a sedan I can find between 2 and 3 grand, I don’t have a lot to spend.

I’m so glad you were safe! It sounds like a terrible season. I’m thankful for the family member who stepped up to help you!

You can get a decent car for 3k. Save as much as you can before you buy one!

I had 5k saved in the budget but had to spend 400 on a ticket to CA for a month. My mom’s gonna hit me back with 100 bucks to help make it easier. As of the end of May I should hit that number again, if I could spend just half of that and get a car that goes A to B without breaking down it will be a win!

Totally! I hope it works out for you!

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