I wish I could take the Mensa test

Anyone here that has taken it?

I took it when I was a kid. I regret it, because afterwards all my teachers and my parents expected like, perfect grades from me. I don’t think the Mensa test is an accurate measurement of academic prowess.


It measure spatial reasoning only?

It measures logical thinking i think

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Ok, I think you might be right. I have No idea

I wouldn’t put much stock in it. If you get a low score, you’ll then feel terrible about that. If you score well, then you’ll have pressure to perform. Besides, plenty of people who may not get in end up being better at other things. It is a very poor representation of cleverness.

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Screenshot_2021-02-19 r mensa


I’m not sure there is one tbh

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A neglected segment along the age spectrum is the teenage years. Now, evidence indicates that this age group experiences IQ changes ranging from a decline to an increase. A study of this issue shows that both verbal and non-verbal IQ scores in teenagers relate closely to the developmental changes that occur in brain structure during the teenage years. Longitudinal brain-imaging studies in the same individuals reveal that either increases or decreases in IQ occur coincident with structural changes in cerebral grey matter that occur in teenagers.

The study conducted MRI brain scans and IQ tests on 33 normal adolescents in early teenage years and then again in late teenage years. A wide range of IQs were noted, 77 to 135 in the early group and 87 to 143 in the late group. For any given individual, the change in IQ score changed from -20 to +23 for verbal IQ and -28- to +17 for non-verbal IQ. Correlation analysis revealed that increases in IQ were associated with increased in cortical density and volume for brain regions involved in verbal and movement functions.



try this it’ll cheer you up :slight_smile:


Fully agree. Every single test in existence is primarily a test of how well you take that type of test. The material is secondary.

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Lol true idk I think it may be a test of a certain type of intelligence but not intelligence in general which I think is something like clarity of mind to see what is true

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I took a test approved by mensa, to get into mensa. I was less than 1 point from being approved. A stalker was harassing me the whole time. I think I would have made it, if I hadn’t been hurrying.

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