I mean I’d feel so cool, having all this knowledge and being able to make it better with other’s help.
If you could be something what would it be?
I mean I’d feel so cool, having all this knowledge and being able to make it better with other’s help.
If you could be something what would it be?
Doctor or engineer . You could be a scientist. Baking bread is chemistry! A scientist you are!
Hahaha that’s not exactly the science I had in mind. I don’t think many people are interested in taste testing bread. Although if I tried, I could probably get into it.
What is the perfect loaf of bread? Is it cheesey? I like cheese on the bagels so I can try this. ~several hours later~ I finally baked my bread with cheese and it tastes horribly like yeast. Time to see what others think!
Simple rule of thumb on wanting to become a scientist. If you are not good at advanced math, putting together several equations in your head in Physics and doing advanced math on computers then you can’t be a scientist. It’s as simple as that.
Hmmm, you could miz baking soda and vinegar to make a volcano!
That’s why I said “I wish”
I use this stuff called creatine for exercising; it comes in a powder. And I like to buy those glass bottles of coke from Mexico. And I put the creatine powder in my coke and it just blows up like I had spiked it with mentos. SCIENCE! And this being science, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.
I’ve always wanted to be a scientist just so I could discover a new star and have it named after me. Other than that, I don’t care about anything else having to do with science.
I’ve always wished I could be a science since the 5th grade. But I’ve always been bad at math.
Yeah, being bad at math is a huge handicap if someone wants to be a scientist.
I think you can buy a star’s name XD
Ahh the fabulous explosion. Compressed gas released from the reaction shall build up pressure. Since our vessel is non-flexible, it shall EXPLODE! Muhhahahaa my favorite part. When I was a wee-little child, I recall once taking yeast and placing it with soap in to hydrogen peroxide. I did this with in a balloon, and boy did that sucker pop!
I also…used food coloring. My mother was furious about my “discovery.”
lol “discovery”
there is actually something now that’s been happening for about a month. almost every night there are these flashes of light outside my living room window. It’s not lightning because their is never any thunder. What do you think it could be?
Well, do you live near civilization? Like are cars prone to do that around the area?
Hmmm could it be a neighbor or something? Herm herm.
I wish I was a psychiatrist
Well I do live near a city and they have those sky lights that shoot those beams of lights into the night sky like the bat signal, but this is nothing like that. I thought it might have been a car the first night but not nearly every night. The lights are huge to where it looks to be lightning real close, but like I said, there is never any thunder!
Whatever, it’s just aliens.
I just wish I was normal.
Wait, I wish I could do mitosis! I could clone myself!!!
I choose scientist as well.
Like the half life guy… carrying a crow bar. Blasting alien invaders.