I will do to ect if if my family concerned.........!

fi guys what u thought of it,is it ggoog to go and accept ect ,

Have heard it can really help some people.

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is it dangerous j…???

Don’t think so, not if done in the modern way. Short term memory loss is to be expected.

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I just hope ‘ect’ doesn’t stand for electric chubby taser!! That sounds painful!

permanent ,

ECT is not dangerous other than it could make you more forgetful (short term memory) for a while.

I don’t know about long term effects @far_cry0

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Not in this level which you are, you have emotions, try to find a right med.:smile:

I had ECT in the 60’s and 70’s. The doctor I had was so pleased with the results that when his wife and daughter were later ill, they got ECT as well.
