I will be Android developer

I will make apps for Android


Like now we living in digital age it’s cool to make the world more technology

I think that’s a great idea . It’s something I’d love to be able to do myself.

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Why you are not able?

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Yeah it requires long term studies . Study for few years minimum

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what language are you using for android? java?

Why do you ask?

No I hate java, java sucks I code with kotlin


Oh I am just curious, some people use other language as cross platform but java is standard for android.

I program a little bit in java and jscript

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cool, I havnt really looked at kotlin but its in the ide I use lol.

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Just started to study it today from scratch. Before was studying python. What ide do you use?

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heres an app I wanted to make, I have no idea how to execute it though I just dont have much coding experience.

This would be a tool for youtubers that do “reaction videos” with lots of followers

reaction videos are where youtubers watch ex. a music video and react to what they are listening to.

You would have a tool that would pick videos from youtube either at random, or at your followers voting decision.

so say you have 5 music videos. Your followers get to vote which video the youtuber will react to.

This could be done with youtube live or maybe cross platform with twitch.

basically it is a gamified tool to increase follower engagement and make things more interactive for the youtube followers.

Your welcome to make it lol I think it would be cool!

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i use inteliJ by jetbrains

looks like that, i just grabbed a screenshot off google

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Cool . I installed it as well today on my pc. Before was using pycharm

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One of the first things I made with java was a rock paper scissors game against the computer.
takes user input, keeps score, computer choice is at random. keeps count of games. can exit game etc.

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Good. You are better then me. I didn’t made any program. Just doing courses in jetbrains.

I will also read a books. But I progress very slowly


its definitely a big learning curve. you can do it man.

I think it took me 8 hours to make that game and I still had to google stuff it was frustrating. but I felt good when I did it.

Oh if you can get one I suggest you get a “Microbit”
it makes programming fun, you can tell it to light up leds , turn fans on and off, I did a bunch of tutorials with it.

You can use microsoft makecode with it. Which is blocks based, so you dont have to know code to make something, but you can look at the code after that it produced. its an easier way to start learning code.

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I thought maybe i become a websitedeveloper. But i couldn’t understand the course cause it was all in English and very computerlingo. Maybe i try again. That would be my first certificate after living 20 years in Australia.

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You could learn about web design with a free wix.com or weebly.com site they are drag and drop style. takes the coding component out and lets you be free to design cool sites

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Yes, doing it professional would be cool.

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