I went to my second cousins engagement party

I went to my second cousins engagement party today held in my other cousins restaurant.
I really had a good time and I managed to eat and socialize a bit.
I really had a good time and even got a chance to ride in my other cousins unmarked police car!

I managed to stay there for hours without taking Klonopin!

I’m really proud of myself.

I really do have a nice family.


I’m happy you enjoyed yourself!

Sounds like a good time!

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Thanks @GoldenRex
Yeah everyone was so nice to me.
They know I have a mental illness and they were glad I showed up.
It took place in my childhood hometown which isn’t so close to where I live now.


That’s cool.

It’s always nice to see family for a little bit and relive some memories.

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That is great Wave. I’m glad you had a good time!

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Thanks @Jake! 155

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I’m glad to hear something positive from you Wave. Seems like you were really struggling for awhile. Glad you had a good time.

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Really good @Wave . I’m a lot better these days but in the past I have missed a lot of events with the fear of anxiety. I’m always glad I went…and glad you did too and had a good time.

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Thanks @Bowens and @rogueone!


Glad you had a good time. You have been down lately and it’s nice to see you having fun.

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That’s incredible. You socialized and had a good time. Wasn’t it just like 2 weeks ago that you went to another function and you were miserable and hiding in the other room trying to avoid people? This is awesome.

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Yes thanks @anon4362788 and @Leaf!

Maybe the Lamictal is working! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I am happy for you that you’re feeling better.

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Thanks @Aziz! 1555

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