I went out last night

With my cousin, her fiance and my bro. Had a great night but my cousin and her fiance needed to get a room. It was so embarrassing!

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drinks and a side show—yoi should have said some thing


My youngest brother has a habit of too much public display of… not really affection as much as rampant sex drive. But he’s been in detox and rehab and hospital for two months now, so we’ll see if he’s changed when he gets stable.


What? Are they too fancy for a backseat of a car? Lol.


First time i went out with my bro and i have not had a drink in atleast 3 years until yesterday. I only had one but had to share the bill because everyone else had atleast 3-4. Nevermind had a good time anyway but dont want to make a habit of the drinking.

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